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Learn Islam from Hadith - Page 35/38

Subject: Learn Islam from Hadith
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crail 3.03.24 - 05:10am
You should see a doctor for all of your health problems * +

miaiad 4.03.24 - 04:00am

@ crail - 3.03.24 - 05:10am
You should see a doctor for all of your health problems

Agree - see a doctor, do all checks, take all medications they advise...
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Yet, in relation with Almighty, you declare that you considered all reasons to get healed but they not everything.
That's because Alighty is the one who created both the reasson and the result, and also who knows more on hidden causes.
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it is no way that medical knowledge is complete and perfect. Otherwise, it makes no sense have running medical research projects all times.
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With strong prayers, you call Almighty God that you believe in His power being on top of all powers and reasons taken.
Hence, you actully taking a complete integrated healing pathway that is combining both known knowledge to doctors and the everything behind that knowledge.
blossom.gif * +

miaiad 4.03.24 - 04:04am

@ trunking - 2.03.24 - 09:11pm
If this is testing God I repent.

Sorry for late reply.. well, that first came to my mind.
What I can say is that: yes, put your faith first in Almighty then ask for healing.
Ask yourself: Am I beliving in almighty God for a selfish reason, or all evidences guided me to believe in him being the One with Full Abilities?
Well, I'd say even if you still hesistent, then also never give up and go ahead dear and ask almighty everything you need.
Be strong from inside, and be modest by admitting you have no power compared to Almighty's power and bilities.
meditate.gif * +

miaiad 4.03.24 - 04:04am

@ trunking - 2.03.24 - 02:54pm
I'm serious. I'll drop whatever I'm doing say the shahada and visit a mosque. Will pray 5 times a day.

cuddle.gif welcome to you bro * +

miaiad 4.03.24 - 04:08am

@ trunking - 2.03.24 - 03:19pm
Make dua for healing for me miaiad.

May Almighty Allah ... smile.gif
Guide you heart heart.gif
Enlighten your vision
Heal your body happy.gif
Repeat this before sleep time: O Almighty God, I know you hearing me, I ask you to guide me the right path, I ask you enlighten my heart to the religion you pleased with, I ask you make my life easier and my body stronger, I ask you heal all illness I suffer from.. indeed, I am your weak slave. Ameen * +

trunking 5.03.24 - 11:32pm
Smile.gif * +

miaiad 6.03.24 - 09:49am

@ trunking - 5.03.24 - 11:32pm

smile2.gif * +

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