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Learn Islam from Hadith - Page 3/38

Subject: Learn Islam from Hadith
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miaiad 18.05.23 - 05:20am

@ miaiad - 18.05.23 - 05:20am
Abu Dharr (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, Allah, the Exalted, and Glorious,
said; 'O My slaves, I have prohibited Myself injustice; and have made oppression unlawful for you, so do not
oppress one another. O My slaves, all of you are liable to err except the one whom I guide on the Right Path, so seek
guidance from Me so that I will guide you to the Right Path. O My slaves, all of you are hungry except the one
whom I feed, so ask food from Me, I will feed you. O My slaves, all of you are naked except those whom I clothe,
so ask clothing of Me and I shall clothe you. O My slaves, you commit sins night and day and I forgive all sins, so
seek My forgiveness and I shall forgive you. O My slaves, you can neither do Me any harm nor can you do Me any
good. O My slaves, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and jinn of you to be as pious as the
most pious heart of any man of you, that would not increase My domain a thing. O My slaves, were the first of you,
and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any man of
you, that would not decrease My domain in a thing. O My slaves, were the first of you and the last of you, the
human of you and the jinn of you to stand in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what
he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more than a needle decrease the sea if put into it. O My
slaves, it is but your deeds that I reckon for you and then recompense you for, so let him who finds good (i.e., in the
Hereafter) praise Allah and let him who finds other than that blame no one but himself.'''.

[Muslim]. khaliq.gif

Commentary: This Hadith mentions the Power and Majesty of Allah and stresses that one should supplicate Allah
for everything that one needs. From guidance to sustenance, the treasures of everything are with Him - the treasures
which are unlimited and any withdrawal from them does not make any reduction in them. Similar is the case of His Sovereignty; it is not affected even if the whole universe supports or opposes them. Thus, it is in the interest of man
that he should dedicate himself entirely to Allah and beg all his needs from Him and Him Alone. * +

miaiad 21.05.23 - 11:39pm
Abu Dharr and Muadh bin Jabal (May Allah be pleased with them) reported that: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, Fear Allah wherever you are, do good deeds after doing bad ones, the former will wipe out the latter, and behave decently towards people.
Commentary: Virtue obliterates vice means that virtue becomes an atonement for sin. But this applies to minor sins
only because major ones will not be forgiven without sincere repentance. Similar is the case of encroachment on
public rights which will not be forgiven without their compensation. * +

crail 22.05.23 - 07:16am
Clearly a set of morals to control the masses (scare them in to behaving civilised). Like the Bible was * +

miaiad 24.05.23 - 11:11pm

@ crail - 22.05.23 - 07:16am
Clearly a set of morals to control the masses (scare them in to behaving civilised). Like the Bible was

Who will be controlling the masses? the ones in highest power of the country? chin.gif
cool... cool.gif
That'd be true if, and only if, people were assumed be in un-equal classes and bias was the prevailing theme between leaders and the public.
Yet, leaders are equally (if not more) required follow same morals (that's certainly beside the heavy responsibility upon their shoulders to work hard to make everyone's life at best as possible, etc).
Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: I heard the the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) supplicating in
my house: O Allah! Treat harshly those who rule over my Ummah with harshness, and treat gently those who rule
over my Ummah with gentleness.''

Commentary: How fortunate is a ruler who establishes his claim to the special benediction of Messenger of Allah
(PBUH) by providing justice to people! On the other hand, how unfortunate is that ruler who incurs the Prophetic
imprecations by doing injustice to people! This Hadith is suggestive of a rulership based on justice and lays
emphasis on refraining injustice and atrocity.
* +

miaiad 24.05.23 - 11:12pm
Abu Yala Maqil bin Yasar (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
Any slave whom Allah makes him in charge of subjects and he dies while he is not sincere to them, Allah will
make Jannah unlawful for him.''

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Another narration is: Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said, He who does not look after his subjects with goodwill and
sincerity, will be deprived of the fragrance of Jannah.''

A narration in Muslim is: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, A ruler who, having control over the affairs of the
Muslims, does not strive diligently for their betterment and does not serve them sincerely, will not enter Jannah with

Commentary: Here the attention of rulers has been invited to their obligations. They are told that their designation
is very important because they are responsible for tackling the problems and affairs of millions of people. If their
single-minded devotion, determined efforts and heartfelt feelings of well-wishing will not go to solving these
problems, they will be deemed guilty by Allah. Rulers are, therefore, warned, lest power should go to their head and
make them unheedful of people's problems, rights and concerns. Instead being fully conscious of their accountability
to Allah (SWT) they are apt to make full efforts to provide justice and peace to people. By forbid from entering
Jannah'' means they will not enter it with the first successful people until they get punished for their wrongdoings. If
however, they were treacherous to their subjects while regarding this injustice lawful, thus disobeying Allah and His
Commands, they will stay in Hell forever because this way they have made permissible and lawful what Allah has
forbidden. * +

miaiad 24.05.23 - 11:24pm
Auf bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, The best of your
rulers are those whom you love and who love you, and those who supplicate Allah in your favour and you supplicate
Allah in their favour. The worst of your rulers are those whom you hate and who hate you; and whom you curse and
who curse you.'' It was asked (by those who were present): Should not we oppose them?'' He said, No, as long as
they establish Salat; as long as they establish Salat in your midst.''
Commentary: The Hadith identifies two categories of rulers. First, those rulers who are well-wishers of people and
provide them with justice. These are the best rulers for whom people also pray. Second, the worst rulers who are
only concerned with their rule and interests and take no interest in providing justice to people and removing their
difficulties. In fact, rulers are advised to adhere to justice, uprightness and equity as this can endear them to Allah as
well as to people. Moreover, we are told that rebellion against rulers is disallowed till they commit a flagrant act of
disbelief and stop abiding by the duties of Islam, particularly Salat (the prayer). blossom.gif * +

crail 25.05.23 - 02:49pm

@ miaiad - 24.05.23 - 11:11pm
Who will be controlling the masses? the ones in highest power of the country? chin.gif
cool... cool.gif
That'd be true if, and only if, people were assumed be in un-equal classes and bias was the prevailing theme between leaders and the public.
Yet, leaders are equally (if not more) required follow same morals (that's certainly beside the heavy responsibility upon their shoulders to work hard to make everyone's life at best as possible, etc).
Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: I heard the the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) supplicating in
my house: O Allah! Treat harshly those who rule over my Ummah with harshness, and treat gently those who rule
over my Ummah with gentleness.''

Commentary: How fortunate is a ruler who establishes his claim to the special benediction of Messenger of Allah
(PBUH) by providing justice to people! On the other hand, how unfortunate is that ruler who incurs the Prophetic
imprecations by doing injustice to people! This Hadith is suggestive of a rulership based on justice and lays
emphasis on refraining injustice and atrocity.

That's the reason these books were written * +

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