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Learn Islam from Hadith - Page 2/38

Subject: Learn Islam from Hadith
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miaiad 4.05.23 - 12:39am
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, It is from the
excellence of (a believer's) Islam that he should shun that which is of no concern to him.

Commentary: This Hadith lays down a very important principle that one should avoid senseless talk and actions. If
one acts upon this principle, he can save himself from many sins and evils. * +

miaiad 7.05.23 - 11:41pm
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, Three
supplications are answered without doubt. The supplication of the oppressed, the supplication of the traveller, and
the supplication of the parent for his son.''

[At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud].
Commentary: This Hadith mentions two dimensions of supplications. First, the supplication of an oppressed person
will be in favour of the one who will come to his help and redress his complaint, whereas the oppressor will be hit
by his supplication. Second, Allah also answers the father's supplication for his disobedient and impudent son; and
the mother's supplication is even more effective than that of the father's because, as compared to him, she has more
rights over them. Man should, therefore, restrain himself from disobeying parents, so that he may escape in both
cases the supplication which is not rejected by Allah. * +

miaiad 10.05.23 - 08:02am
Sahl bin Sad (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, I will be like this
in Jannah with the person who takes care of an orphan. Messenger of Allah (PBUH) raised his forefinger and
middle finger by way of illustration.

Commentary: It will be indeed a great honour to be close to the Prophet (PBUH) in Jannah. This honour will be
given to those who are kind to the orphans. The Prophet (PBUH) has regarded it the best house' in which an orphan
is treated with kindness. He declared the worst home in which an orphan child is not treated with affection. good.gif * +

valatine 12.05.23 - 10:51pm
Blahblah * +

miaiad 14.05.23 - 11:53pm
Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, No one of you becomes a true
believer until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Commentary: We learn from this Hadith about the importance and virtue of mutual love among the Muslims. If we
act upon the injunctions mentioned in this Hadith, the Muslim societies will be immediately purged of the evils like
exploitation, bribery, dishonesty, falsehood, cheating, forgery, etc., which are rampant in them at present. Islam has
taught golden principles to its followers who have unfortunately neglected them and in consequence are leading a
life of utter disgrace and moral turpitude. May Allah guide them to the Straight Path. blossom.gif * +

miaiad 15.05.23 - 12:15am
Abu Said Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, Whoever
amongst you sees an evil, he must change it with his hand; if he is unable to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is
unable to do so, then with his heart; and that is the weakest form of Faith.

Commentary: This Hadith contains a very important prescription to prevent the Muslim society from all things
which are forbidden in Islam. So long as Muslims adhered to it and ceaselessly and fearlessly performed their
obligation of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong, their society was largely safe from many evils and sins. * +

miaiad 18.05.23 - 05:20am
Abu Dharr (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (PBUH) said, Allah, the Exalted, and Glorious,
said; 'O My slaves, I have prohibited Myself injustice; and have made oppression unlawful for you, so do not
oppress one another. O My slaves, all of you are liable to err except the one whom I guide on the Right Path, so seek
guidance from Me so that I will guide you to the Right Path. O My slaves, all of you are hungry except the one
whom I feed, so ask food from Me, I will feed you. O My slaves, all of you are naked except those whom I clothe,
so ask clothing of Me and I shall clothe you. O My slaves, you commit sins night and day and I forgive all sins, so
seek My forgiveness and I shall forgive you. O My slaves, you can neither do Me any harm nor can you do Me any
good. O My slaves, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and jinn of you to be as pious as the
most pious heart of any man of you, that would not increase My domain a thing. O My slaves, were the first of you,
and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any man of
you, that would not decrease My domain in a thing. O My slaves, were the first of you and the last of you, the
human of you and the jinn of you to stand in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what
he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more than a needle decrease the sea if put into it. O My
slaves, it is but your deeds that I reckon for you and then recompense you for, so let him who finds good (i.e., in the
Hereafter) praise Allah and let him who finds other than that blame no one but himself.'''.

[Muslim]. khaliq.gif * +

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