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Existence of Evil - Page 2/19

Subject: Existence of Evil
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crail 14.04.20 - 02:37am
No it hasn't come to an end. We're taller than we ever were. Even in a few hundred years * +

miaiad 14.04.20 - 02:39am
Being tall is at least a positive point lol.gif * +

valatine 14.04.20 - 08:24am
If a god allows all types of evil . What use is a god if there is one . Surely a god would stop evil and fighting .if there is no god it can only be stopped by individual people .if there is a god then he could stop some or all evil . But he isn't doing so . Because he doesn't exist * +

maxum 15.04.20 - 01:57am
What we define as evil, is an integral aspect of human nature and thought. Jung's Shadow for instance.
Evil isn't something, inside someone out there in the shadows. It's not a Hitler or a Stalin, it's us. * +

ufohunter 16.04.20 - 10:36am

@ crail - 14.04.20 - 01:19am
It didn't happen overnight. It was over billions of years. And we have found fossils that are billions of years old. Humans didn't just magic out of nowhere. We started off as simple organisms.

So where's the evidence of your hypothesis? There's none other that the word of a few backward people back in the day. Yes, we were quite thick back than. We haven't always been this brilliant

Was gonna say something like 400-500 million years, but you're right. Cyanobacteria occurs as fossils billions of years back. There was 'something' that sparked the formation of simple cellular life out of amino acids.

Then later these simple cellular organisms became multicellular possibly due to viruses or something similar. * +

ufohunter 16.04.20 - 10:58am
That's one theory

Slezak, Michael (2016), ''No Viruses? No skin or bones either'' (New Scientist, No. 2958, 1 March 2014) p.16

-it's also suggested viruses may have even helped in creating the first cell. Viruses aren't living after all but have been around since life began. * +

miaiad 20.04.20 - 01:47am

@ crail - 13.04.20 - 05:14pm
I just see a guy that is trying to understand the world but is getting it very wrong. Its evolution that got us here

There is a problem when you say (getting it very wrong) which is: invalid generalization of conclusion.
What does that mean? The speaker has articulated, in brief, several facts about why evil exist in this world. Do not you think any of these is right?
Major points:
(1) This world/life is not Paradise, Is it?
(2) People pass in sorting process based on how they interact with each-other, and with all sorts of trials.
(3) The good is the rule/prevailing and the evil is the exception (examples on weather, health/illness, etc).
(4) There is often a hidden good aspect in what we might think is evil.
(5) Almighty God has bestowed humans with knowledge and skills to develop this world, make it better place.
(6) If God has created us as Angels who never err, then it means we have no choice on our decisions to do the good/bad. Simply, no free will.
(7) The free will of humans makes them responsible for their actions.
... etc * +

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