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Following Jesus - Page 4/8

Subject: Following Jesus
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0gypsy0 21.07.20 - 11:57am

@ alvar89 - 21.07.20 - 08:12am
But who would you believe to be a man of spiritual things? Someone who preaches about living by spirit and controlling your fleshly body for the betterment of everyone. Or the one making it all about his bodily urges. Having many women, getting mad at ppl mocking him and letting them be tortured to death, When running out of money getting orders from god to terrorise a nation into giving gold or kill them and take it. Owning slaves and bartering with them even tho called himself a holy man. Boasted about sleeping with all his 11 women. Its not hard to see who was only after sex and wealth and disquised as a man of god.

The second part of your comment looks like you're describing Isis. * +

alvar89 21.07.20 - 08:53pm

@ 0gypsy0 - 21.07.20 - 11:53am
Oh, by the way, the way he was referring to that woman because she was canaanite and all canaanites, proves he was an a**hole too. The canaanite woman could have sue him if it would've happened today. Canaanite lives matter!

It had to do with them the Jews being the chosen ppl who worshipped the true god etc. The others were supposedly diverted to false idols etc far from the truth. The dog and his master was a portrayal of how things have been for a really long time a human eating the better part and leaving the leftover to a dog. That latter part was noted by the woman as a prophecy. Basically that from the jews the salvation will also pass on to other nations. Jesus was very strict about the jewish inheritage as he told to the samaritan woman at the well about the jews atleast knowing who they pray to. That was again pointing to the diverted from the path samaritans. The ppl were not yet aware of the gospel being for all the nations after the resurrection etc.

Todays pc thinking makes it hard for ppl to see the bible how it is. It was not meant to be offensive to anyone it was telling a story about a certain thing. Jesus would have a hard time today with all the politically correct picking on words used. The core message would be ignored and things twisted into hate speech lol. * +

alvar89 21.07.20 - 09:11pm

@ 0gypsy0 - 21.07.20 - 11:57am
The second part of your comment looks like you're describing Isis.

Muhammad was isis. If you read up on his pshycological character it makes sense why he was like that. His schizophrenic series and contradicting character was born from a hard childhood living on the street without parents. Suicidal and unpredictable behaviour lead to alot of confusing teachings. He is the worst role model for any person to follow.

Anyone who claims he was a peaceful man is doing what there scripture says to lie for there personal gain amongst the unbelievers. Seeing a group of ppl claiming muhammad was a feminist is the worst i have heard.

The man hated women. He said a woman has half the brain and 2 women equal to the 1 testimony of 1 man. Also said to the women complains of rough treatment sexually by there men that a woman is just a field for the man to plough.
A woman who aisha told muhammad about being beaten up so bad she went green in the face . According to muhammad it was her fault for being a bad woman so the man had to beat her.

Muhammad even took his own sons wife because he lusted after her. Muhammad said that a prophet who tells false prophecies will be punished by allah with his stomach destroyed. Thats how muhammad was killed by a jewish woman seeking for revenge with poison.
I have seen these verses and many more but its too much to post here all together. * +

alvar89 21.07.20 - 09:24pm
Muhammad was also a white man who owned black slaves. But nobody is talking about that while statues are taken down. Wonder why chin.gif

Ahmad ibn Abi Sulayman, the companion of Sahnun said, Anyone who says that the Prophet was black should be killed.
Ibn Musa al-Yahsubi, Qadi Iyad, p.375


Jurairi reported: I said to Abu Tufail: Did you see Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)? He said: Yes, he had a white handsome face. Muslim b. Hajjaj said: Abu Tufail who died in 100 Hijra was the last of the Companions of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him).
Sahih Muslim 30:5777

Narrated Anas bin Malik: While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: Who amongst you is Muhammad? At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us (his companions) leaning on his arm. We replied, This white man reclining on his arm. The an then addressed him, O Son of 'Abdul Muttalib....
Sahih Bukhari 1:3:63

I came and behold, Allah's Apostle was staying on a Mashroba (attic room) and a black slave of Allah's Apostle was at the top if its stairs. I said to him, (Tell the Prophet) that here is 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (asking for permission to enter). Then he admitted me. ... (cf. Bukhari 3.648, 6.435, 7.119)
* +

alvar89 21.07.20 - 09:28pm

@ 0gypsy0 - 21.07.20 - 11:46am
Primitive times with people doing primitive things.

What kind of holy prophet could at that time be called peaceful and good with the actions of muhammad? * +

0gypsy0 21.07.20 - 11:08pm

@ alvar89 - 21.07.20 - 08:53pm
It had to do with them the Jews being the chosen ppl who worshipped the true god etc. The others were supposedly diverted to false idols etc far from the truth. The dog and his master was a portrayal of how things have been for a really long time a human eating the better part and leaving the leftover to a dog. That latter part was noted by the woman as a prophecy. Basically that from the jews the salvation will also pass on to other nations. Jesus was very strict about the jewish inheritage as he told to the samaritan woman at the well about the jews atleast knowing who they pray to. That was again pointing to the diverted from the path samaritans. The ppl were not yet aware of the gospel being for all the nations after the resurrection etc.

Todays pc thinking makes it hard for ppl to see the bible how it is. It was not meant to be offensive to anyone it was telling a story about a certain thing. Jesus would have a hard time today with all the politically correct picking on words used. The core message would be ignored and things twisted into hate speech lol.

Bunch of bullsh*t. Today it's very easy to see the bible and the so called holy books for what they are, uncomfortable to those who have been brainwashed into blindly following a dogma based on them who twist everything to defend their delusion. Even by pointing out how their prophet insults a woman asking for help and dehumanising her just because she's a canaanite, you're calling it PC, twisting and manipulating to make it look like it's okay because it's jesus who said it and if some people aren't okay with this, it's their fault because this and that and ignoring the core message. What's funny is when you all start defending your prophets and the fkd up things they said or did
* +

0gypsy0 21.07.20 - 11:18pm

@ alvar89 - 21.07.20 - 09:11pm
Muhammad was isis. If you read up on his pshycological character it makes sense why he was like that. His schizophrenic series and contradicting character was born from a hard childhood living on the street without parents. Suicidal and unpredictable behaviour lead to alot of confusing teachings. He is the worst role model for any person to follow.

Anyone who claims he was a peaceful man is doing what there scripture says to lie for there personal gain amongst the unbelievers. Seeing a group of ppl claiming muhammad was a feminist is the worst i have heard.

The man hated women. He said a woman has half the brain and 2 women equal to the 1 testimony of 1 man. Also said to the women complains of rough treatment sexually by there men that a woman is just a field for the man to plough.
A woman who aisha told muhammad about being beaten up so bad she went green in the face . According to muhammad it was her fault for being a bad woman so the man had to beat her.

Muhammad even took his own sons wife because he lusted after her. Muhammad said that a prophet who tells false prophecies will be punished by allah with his stomach destroyed. Thats how muhammad was killed by a jewish woman seeking for revenge with poison.
I have seen these verses and many more but its too much to post here all together.

The old testament in the bible is full of murder and genocide and sexism in the name of God and it is all treated like its something normal. I'm not okay with that but I see nothing so shocking about what you just mentioned about Mohammed, it's the 6 years old who he married and later described how he mingled her with his penis,(I've been told she was older, in here) how he used to suck babies tongues (I've been told that was normal too, by his followers), that's what shocks me. But I'm too pc, right? I'm so easily offended. * +

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