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Jesus is God - Page 116/118

Subject: Jesus is God
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manszar 6.04.17 - 07:52am
John 17;14I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world. * +

manszar 6.04.17 - 08:01am
the disciples are now god also as they too are not of this world any more than jesus is of this world. man jesus was in error a lot according to you hehe.gif * +

manszar 6.04.17 - 08:05am

@ alvar89 - 3.04.17 - 05:28pm
She was a virgin giving birth....ring a bell? She was never touched before she had her second son with Joseph. So i doubt she was 12 when she had her second son. She might have been 13-14 when she married Joseph and even that is speculation. Thing is you and other mockers want to twist it into some perversion or r*pe but that never took place. Every time God modified or created something He did not do what your ruined mind thinks He did.

so you think its ok to artificially inseminate a 12 year old to create a baby born of a virgin? no perversion or sex involved in that * +

manszar 6.04.17 - 08:08am

@ alvar89 - 3.04.17 - 05:30pm
Matthew 7: 21Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?

you still cant say it can you lol.gif your trying every trick you have to avoid it but you know according to you and your religion a p*do will be forgiven if asked in the name of your god. * +

manszar 6.04.17 - 08:12am

@ alvar89 - 4.04.17 - 07:54pm
I would say a grownup. You would not call a girl a woman would you? And where do you atheists take the limit? Biology? I have heard alot of justifications for p*dophilia from ppl going by biology so i would not stand on such a high horse judging a nation 2000 years ago. I dont know why scripture does not add the age of when a woman is a woman so i guess its up to going by what we see and know by the time being.

at what age did god make women able to get pregnant? * +

alvar89 6.04.17 - 08:24am

@ manszar - 6.04.17 - 08:08am
you still cant say it can you lol.gif your trying every trick you have to avoid it but you know according to you and your religion a p*do will be forgiven if asked in the name of your god.

Im not sitting on a high horse pointing fingers who should go to where like you so i leave the judgement to God. * +

alvar89 6.04.17 - 08:27am

@ manszar - 6.04.17 - 07:45am
lol.gif my error nono.gif you mean jesus error as he is the one who apparently said those word are not his own hehe.gif but we know its not jesus you want to believe, John 7:16 Jesus answered, My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me.

You still fail the to see the point i made. He Hismself along with the teaching of obeying the Father nomatter what His will be done etc is all from the Father. Jesus came from the Father. You fail to see He was not originated from earth rather is from God Himself directly incarnate. Immanuel God with us etc. That is the sole reason The scripture says He was God in John 1 etc. That is the reason ppl aknowledge Jesus as God. * +

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