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Why is God Father and Son - Page 4/50

Subject: Why is God Father and Son
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manszar 5.03.16 - 08:12am

@ alvar89 - 4.03.16 - 08:08am
Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

yes we know the bible claims men are god like. we also know the bible makes god a slave to one people. and calls God a mass murderer. a fool that washes the feet of the mighty man. but to say we are made in the image of God is to claim we are God like. you may be happy with that, but im not * +

manszar 5.03.16 - 08:17am

@ alvar89 - 4.03.16 - 08:31am
Prophecy of Gods Son Psalm 2:12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry
and your way will lead to your destruction,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

lol.gif i take it you have not read the first part of this hehe.gif * +

manszar 5.03.16 - 08:20am

@ alvar89 - 4.03.16 - 08:39am
John 14:15 (NASB)

15 If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.

Who unless God Himself can say those are His commandments? He either was God in flesh or a blasphemer.

which commandments are you talking about? * +

manszar 5.03.16 - 08:25am

@ alvar89 - 4.03.16 - 09:04am
God is not limited in 1 form at one time He is Spirit and manifests as 3 characters if He wills to teach us and fix us. Joined us into suffering as a the suffering servant and obedient Son as example til death on the cross of atonement. Unless we get aware of the problem of sin in this world the message of the cross will seem foolish and doesnt make sense. Who needs salvation when there is noting to save you from so to say. Who soever sees this world is full of selfishness and suffering turn to the suffering God on the cross who knows what its like.

then i can say God is not limited to 3 forms and can manifests as 6.600.600 characters if He wills. the problem with this of course is you can end up worshiping any one of them. as we see in Christianity. instead of praising God, as jesus would do, Christians always say, praise jesus. * +

manszar 5.03.16 - 08:39am

@ alvar89 - 4.03.16 - 09:04am
God is not limited in 1 form at one time He is Spirit and manifests as 3 characters if He wills to teach us and fix us. Joined us into suffering as a the suffering servant and obedient Son as example til death on the cross of atonement. Unless we get aware of the problem of sin in this world the message of the cross will seem foolish and doesnt make sense. Who needs salvation when there is noting to save you from so to say. Who soever sees this world is full of selfishness and suffering turn to the suffering God on the cross who knows what its like.

a God that knows all has no need to learn suffering from a cross. the perils of sin are not learnt from the salvation of it, but rather the consequences of it. now the bible says the consequence of sin is death. but this is not true as we are already under the death penalty from the sin of adam. so sin carries no penalty that we dont already have. * +

cille_s 5.03.16 - 10:43am
popcorn.gif * +

propidol 5.03.16 - 12:01pm
None of it matters anyway. It's a dreary thing. * +

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