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Question on Adam and Eve. - Page 4/8

Subject: Question on Adam and Eve.
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papai.17 26.09.15 - 03:54am

@ popty - 25.09.15 - 08:36pm
people went west to east from irish origins not from east to west it's a lie that bit..

research on wikipedea or watch the discoverys documentery THD HISTRY OF THE WORLD at you tube you westners always have the problem of arrogence you think everything starts with you read the sceintific histry you will found africa was the most developed at encient times and asia was most advanced untill 15th century AD Asian * +

papai.17 26.09.15 - 05:35pm

@ popty - 26.09.15 - 04:46pm
why the fk would i use wikipedea to find out anything lol

OKey i am sorry for being rude but actually homosepians came from africa then they move west to east and east to west both as different tribes we indians cane from west but not the mongoliyan race but at the very begening of evulution of mankind we europian and asian came from africa * +

papai.17 26.09.15 - 05:47pm

@ popty - 26.09.15 - 04:53pm
you make a statement like that and call me arrogant i find that hysterical I'm not the worlds leading authority on anything I'm just saying I believe people went east to west in my own personal opinion and opinions of others I have heard speak about these subjects, make your own mind up .. don't call people arrogant for have a different opinion though it's not very nice

you heard about something called colonial rule most popular with britist and other europian country which looted and distroyed the asia and africa we are strulling as a underdeveloped and developing country and your is developed you know why? from where the wealth came to you? this are not just historical facts it effect my day to day life come to our nations and you will realize what your anchesters has done to us * +

propidol 26.09.15 - 06:18pm
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. * +

mab21 26.09.15 - 07:56pm

@ coldly - 15.09.15 - 02:44pm
You are Adam and eve. The sun is Adam the moon is eve. Adam is male,red,sun,day,summer,horus,ra, positive, the up pointed pyramid, warm, good, light and so on. Eve is the moon,female,blue,night,winter,cold,dark, negative, the down pointed pyramid and so on. When these two come together in sex they form the star of david and enlightenment comes. You are born as the bathomet. Both male and female. Both the day and night. You become illuminated....

Faint.gif * +

mab21 26.09.15 - 08:01pm
Science saids that homo sapiens comes from africa but saids nothing abt colour nor the bones gv any hint of black or white. They were just homo sapiens. * +

papai.17 27.09.15 - 06:02am

@ mab21 - 26.09.15 - 08:01pm
Science saids that homo sapiens comes from africa but saids nothing abt colour nor the bones gv any hint of black or white. They were just homo sapiens.

yeah you were wright thanks atleast you have a sense of reasoning ! the colo of ther skin ocour due the diffent climate of different region becouse of evolution the african nigro part which i said was only for humour * +

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