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Yeshua the jewish Messiah - Page 151/153

Subject: Yeshua the jewish Messiah
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0gypsy0 23.12.15 - 05:20pm
lol. Seriously Walker, we're in 2015 * +

manszar 27.12.15 - 10:14am

@ alvar89 - 22.12.15 - 07:41pm
The Salvation Yeshuah was already there before the world was. So nothing changed or bent there.

lol.gif so the crucifixion was nothing but a show then? all the animal sacrifices where for nothing. its strange that god sent all those prophets and never mentioned that the Salvation Yeshuah was already there before the world was. * +

manszar 27.12.15 - 10:17am
the truth is death as a punishment for sin is a joke. because it is and has been so easy to bypass with the killing of others. yes.gif * +

manszar 27.12.15 - 10:22am
so tell me, if i let my children go outside and play in the garden but i tell them ,,,,so long as you dont pick flowers from my favorite bush,,,,, so of course being children who loved the flowers picked one to give to there mom. now is it unjust if i forgive them? * +

alvar89 29.12.15 - 08:02am
Looking it thru the lie of the serpent still does mess up the interpretation. They where grown humans not kids. And it was no favorite bush. It was a side of life at hands reach for all of us what had everything that is now wrong in this world in it. A side man never needed to go after. Seeing it now the wisdom and man being a god thru it had its price so to say. Ppl who still think it was benefitting knowledge the tree gave are still seeing it thru the lie of the serpent. That knowledge without Gods all knowing foreseeing rule and guidance became a curse to man something that leads you in a prideful rebellious death. * +

alvar89 29.12.15 - 08:05am
Sin is going against Gods way. To make it a bit clearer its going against life itself as you can read not anymore taking from the tree of life when you choose the other selfish Godless way.Life is from God and death is in sin. * +

alvar89 29.12.15 - 08:06am

@ manszar - 27.12.15 - 10:17am
the truth is death as a punishment for sin is a joke. because it is and has been so easy to bypass with the killing of others. yes.gif

If you dont grasp the concept of sin then yes. Easy: God - Life and sin - death! * +

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