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The rise of Pegida in germany - Page 1/18

Subject: The rise of Pegida in germany
Replies: 121 Views: 14456
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tranie 14.01.15 - 03:52pm
Should western followers of islam be concerned about the rise of groups such as Pegida ? 3 months ago pegida had there first march against the islamization of the german society, 350 people turned up in support. Last week 25,000 people turned up to protest and march. Thats got to be scarey, and what can be done to stop the tidal wave of support ? Pegida are mainly protesting in Germany at the moment but with the mayor of rotterdam publically telling any follower of islam that if they dont like western values or western values not fitting in to their islamic lives then they should move to a country that holds islamic values. Its not going to be long untill Pediga is a european force to reccon with. * +

dodgey 14.01.15 - 04:54pm
It's good to see the normal bloke getting up off his b*tt and wanting things done, would I go on an EDL march? No they're idiots. Would I go on a peaceful organised march with likeminded people who want to see change? Yes I would. * +

dodgey 14.01.15 - 04:55pm
Hello RnB by the way. Wavehand.gif * +

3mel 14.01.15 - 05:18pm
run dodgey run... * +

urvoice1 14.01.15 - 05:56pm
Shouldn't that be.... Run, it's Dodgey lol.gif * +

mshippy 14.01.15 - 06:36pm
Lol welcome dodge who are pegida btw * +

tranie 14.01.15 - 07:04pm

@ mshippy - 14.01.15 - 06:36pm
Lol welcome dodge who are pegida btw

its an anti islam party started in dresden germany in october 2014, as i said there first march attracted 350 people, the latest march last week attracted 25,000 [link]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegida[/link] Thats 25,000 former tollerant people who have marched in protest over the islamization of germany * +

itstragik 16.01.15 - 02:33am
bothered much germany has seen a lot worse a few a few crazies won't bother them * +

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