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slavery in bible - Page 5/22

Subject: slavery in bible
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nolisto1 30.09.14 - 06:25am
What does it matter, we're all hooked up in the matrix anyways. We're just batteries for the machines. Less than slaves. * +

smohamed 30.09.14 - 08:13am

@ bozzalad - 29.09.14 - 06:30pm
there is not one place in the bible or quran that forbids slavery, why would that be?.

It is not fit for a prophet that he should take prisoners unless he has fought and triumphed in the land. You desire the frail goods of this world, while Allah desires (for you) the Hereafter Slavery was prohibited by the verse quoted above, except for prisoners of war, which could be taken only after a battle. Then when you have overcome (them), make prisoners and afterwards set them free as a favour or for ransom (47:4). * +

smohamed 30.09.14 - 08:16am
As for slaves already existing in Muslim homes from the days of Jahiliyya (ignorance), their freeing was put at a high premium. path to righteousness..set a slave free... Similarly, in deploring man for not taking 'the uphill road' of moral progress, it puts in the premier position 'to free a slave.... the State is directed to spend a part of the funds raised by Zakat (poor-rate) on purchasing the freedom of slaves (9:60) * +

kimjongl 30.09.14 - 08:49am
Can you see the problem with putting a high premium on the freeing of slaves? * +

bozzalad 30.09.14 - 10:19am
so, to reiterate, no forbidding in quran or bible. * +

smohamed 30.09.14 - 10:44am
i knew you would fail to see that slavery was forbidden. * +

smohamed 30.09.14 - 10:47am

@ kimjongl - 30.09.14 - 08:49am
Can you see the problem with putting a high premium on the freeing of slaves?

the premium wasnt cash..i was suppose to right i.e virtue * +

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