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The Hypocritical Relgious - Page 1/4

Subject: The Hypocritical Relgious
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gameboy1 25.07.14 - 04:22am
Let me start off this post stating that I am not looking to rub anybody the wrong way, nor am I trying to disrespect anybody's religion. I am simply seeking additional thoughts on a particular observation I've made in little life. Please note that I am christian and do indeed believe in God, though I am not as pious as some others. * +

gameboy1 25.07.14 - 04:32am
So, I'm 22 years old, so I am young and perhaps still green, though, I wish to share my experience. When I was a kid, say 6-12, I was really into my religion. Obviously, how 'into' can one be at so young, but I assure you that I was... I used to look forward to Sunday's, read my bible daily and follow (still do) everything that was said in there. I noticed, however, that some regular church goers had a very holier than thou attitude and yet, away from church, they are nothing like they portray, yet were quick to point a finger. Also, they wouldn't accept aid from others if there position in the church were threatened. This kinds of behaviour always troubled me as a kid. How could you do/say this in church? ot How could you say something and do another?.Such are humans but it just boggled me how you could tell people what to do and then do the exact opposite. * +

gameboy1 25.07.14 - 04:38am
Eventually, I realised that there were more rotten people at my church than is worth me going to worship there. So I stopped attending regularly around this time (13). I went back a few months later and was almost robbed by people who ran the church (family of theirs etc). I narrowly escaped. I never returned for a while thereafter, thinking about how bad it could have been if i had not taken the initiative to leave before the rest of the service ended. I couldnt believe it happened in God's House, a place I believed to be the safest. * +

gameboy1 25.07.14 - 04:43am
3 years later I was 'confirmed'. This process I took quite seriously but it seemed to be another notice me exercise for others. It was ok but added very value to me. At this point, I realised that most church goers are people who need some kind of belief that praying will give them 'luck' or that someone is watching and for need of there help, they will abide. * +

gameboy1 25.07.14 - 04:48am
But the most frequent type were those seeking atonement. For crimes committed. for doing drugs, being a rebel n such other misdeeds. Thats ok... power to those people, but for some reason, these people become saints after there cleansing... and decide to throw their religion and dictate to other people what to do... and not doing will result in them treating other people like dirt. why??? * +

gameboy1 25.07.14 - 04:52am
My friend from the end of my teen years (18-19) was a reformed person, but never listened to reason and was rather brash... Also picking fights, spreading rumours etc but always all about Jesus on her statuses on fb and so well respected in church. challenge or question her behavior in a kind way, and you get demon within. Why? * +

gameboy1 25.07.14 - 04:55am
My best friend was in some serious stuff a few years ago. Now that he is reformed, for 5 years or so, he too is jesus this, jesus that but d*mn, the same guy guy below that facade...
* +

gameboy1 25.07.14 - 05:04am
My ex gf was an ex drug user, ex smoker and came from rough part of the city. I met her as a fully born again Christian. I was single, she was not, 6 years in with another. In her relationship, she came on to me, strongly... and I resisted (i swear to god I did...) but eventually fell prey to her. I urged her to break up with her bf before we ever held hands.... kissed or I told her i love you but she wouldn't... and she pressured me for sex... I was a virgin at the time (did not believe in sex before marriage, and still do) and I ended up in a situation I ended up hating. The irony is that she was afraid her family wouldn't accept ME for not being SAVED. I was not CHRISTIAN enough, even in THIS. situation. After a few months of that, i broke it off. Yet another lying hypocrite thrown my way. * +

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