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Sooooooo. . . - Page 6/39

Subject: Sooooooo. . .
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igbinx 14.07.14 - 07:35pm
This is wat u guys re gud @ mockery ! U better wake up from ur sleep n Giv ur lives to Jesus.He the way,truth n life. * +

urvoice1 14.07.14 - 10:37pm
Like mohammed, with less facial hair, with wings. Clothes would be daz white and there would be a gold tooth * +

prismf 14.07.14 - 11:00pm

@ propidol - 13.07.14 - 04:22pm
Is there any physical difference between angels and demons. Also if demons are capable of human possession then could angels also do it?

no they couldnt * +

prismf 14.07.14 - 11:10pm

@ propidol - 14.07.14 - 11:10am
The Watcher's were not a part of Satan's rebellion; they created their own rebellion against God by deciding to leave their first estate which was heaven, and go to the earth to cohabitate with human women. Why doesn't the church ever address this issue? In fact, why did they try to cover it up by leaving Enoch out of the canon version of the Bible, and then manipulate the meaning sons of God. They mistranslated Sons of God, (angels of God) creating some ridiculous theory suggesting it to mean Sons of Seth. People bought that explanation because they did not realize there was such a huge difference in changing that text around and it would keep them from the truth and allow the churches to cover it up.
Enoch was one of the greatest Prophets of God to have ever walked the Earth. In his lifetime he wrote 365 books. We have one of them. Where are the others? Are they lost or being kept hidden? It is in Enoch where we first learn about the rebellion of the Watchers, the angels assigned to watch over and guard over the earth

interesting that many truths are not written into the bible.its strange that woman went from being a good thing to a bad thing.....at mans hand * +

prismf 14.07.14 - 11:15pm

@ shadow27 - 14.07.14 - 04:22am
All the stuff about sephirim etc was fascinating to me when we read it back in school. Just really weird s**t, seemed almost occult somehow.

hmmm like secret rituals perhaps * +

roohhaq 15.07.14 - 06:52am
Belief in Angels(as) is one of the fundamentals of Islam.Different Angels(as) are assigned to different duties.Angel Gabriel(as) conveys messages.In Islam, Angels(as) are described as 'messengers with wings'.A Hadith says Angel Gabriel(as) has 600 wings.Angels(as) are a holy creation said to be made of light,have no human requirements n can take any shape when carrying a message to mankind.Quran states that an Angel(as) was sent to Mary in a form of a human being. * +

roohhaq 15.07.14 - 07:02am
Angel Ezrael is the Angel of death who makes a round of every home daily to see who's life span has ended n takes away the soul.Its said that if we could see Angel Ezrael on our threshold,we would leave the dead alone n weep for ourselves... * +

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