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So how's this for an idea? - Page 1/13

Subject: So how's this for an idea?
Replies: 90 Views: 8907
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n1ck 24.06.14 - 03:08pm
Hey all. Its been quite a whie since I frequented these forums (about 2 years I think). I've been visiting the forum again the past few days and I see not much has changed in terms of how topics generally deteriorate into cat fights and handbag throwing. So I'd like to make a suggestion: how about we all...wait for it...practice what we preach? Christians should be bearing the fruit of Galatians 5 (kindness, patience, goodness, self-control etc), Islam claims to be the religion of peace, atheists claim they don't need religion to be moral and kind, etc. You get the point. Yet the forum is flooded with sarcasm, hate speech, accusations, etc. * +

n1ck 24.06.14 - 03:14pm
So either A) your belief system does not manifest itself in reality the same way as it does in theory or in your claims, or B) you are not practicing what you preach, which is the definition of a hypocrite, people. So let me make this suggestion: be the example of what you say your religion / belief system is all about. There's no reason we shouldn't be able to disagree and debate topics without getting personal or resorting to hate speech or irritation. Unless, that is, points A or B above apply! * +

xfrankie 24.06.14 - 03:21pm
it is a discussion forum that has piled together the most sensitive societal aspect of mankind, by its very nature clashing is an inevitable outcome, its like asking folks in a sports forum say soccer's man u or arsenal, or cricket's india-pakistan, or rugby SA-Newzealand, to just get along, u want creationists and evolutionists to rhyme * +

smohamed 24.06.14 - 03:37pm
I support your initiative n1ck but the main problem is that we dealing with topics that are close to the heart and people react on emotion. everyone is not cool and calm especially when you challenging their belief system. * +

miaiad 24.06.14 - 03:38pm
I see forums go this way since 8 years, not only 2.... but anyway i hope they be better place... * +

smohamed 24.06.14 - 03:41pm
nod mia i have been around for about the same time maybe a bit longer.. it gets so bad that it has to go through a recession every now and then... * +

propidol 24.06.14 - 03:44pm
We are all the by products of 4 billion years of evolution, so why not act like it for a change.innocent.gif * +

n1ck 24.06.14 - 03:46pm
I fully understand the nature of the forum and the inevitability of nastisness. What I'm saying is, if your your belief system is as peaceful in nature as you claim, you ought to be the fruit of that. The nature of your belief system should bear fruit in the way you, as a follower, treat others. Just think everyone should think about that next time before getting acid with each other. * +

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