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UK is a christian country - Page 1/14

Subject: UK is a christian country
Replies: 94 Views: 10903
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urvoice1 21.04.14 - 09:21pm
Religious groups have backed Prime Minister David Cameron's assertion Britain is a Christian country.Hindu Council UK said it was very comfortable with the description. The Muslim Council of Britain said the UK was a largely Christian country.He said the UK must be more confident about its Christianity, a view Downing Street says he has stated before.It comes after a group of public figures warned the PM risked causing alienation with his comments. .... I have no problem with his comments, w * +

urvoice1 21.04.14 - 09:21pm
We are a christian country. * +

ogdenz 21.04.14 - 09:30pm
Its just a label,I technically am a catholic but in reality I'm not.Christianity is a pile of shyte imo.I would be interested to find out how many Brits call themselves christian but never pray,go to church,read the bible etc. Once again Cameron speaks but not on behalf of me. * +

seyide 21.04.14 - 09:30pm
coming back to their senses * +

iilmadme 21.04.14 - 09:33pm
i think of it as secular * +

iilmadme 21.04.14 - 09:35pm
i wonder wat he's up to,i dont trust him * +

urvoice1 21.04.14 - 09:49pm
When I visit St. pauls or Westminster, Melrose or Crossraguel, I can connect with this countries history, the things that made this country what it is. Even standing on the roof of westminster made me proud. Do I trust him ? Not with our country, but I do believe he values Britain as a country. He just hasn't worked out how to make it work. * +

recurv11 21.04.14 - 09:56pm
he's had his chance and now he's desperately clutchin at straws... * +

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