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Creation VS Evolution Theory - Page 8/96

Subject: Creation VS Evolution Theory
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propidol 26.01.14 - 09:53pm
So back to my original question. Have you educated yourself and figured it out yet? * +

alvar89 26.01.14 - 09:54pm
Beliveing in the biggest lie made by satan doesnt make anyone intelligent. Its just hard for ppl to find out the truth yes.gif * +

propidol 26.01.14 - 09:55pm
So you're saying you haven't educated yourself and found out why. * +

alvar89 26.01.14 - 09:58pm
Give the other side a chance via Dr Grady McMurtry for example. Do not stand on one thing only. And tell me then what is there impossible to God with all creating power to make plants before the moon? plants even crow in space as the link i referred earlier yes.gif * +

alvar89 26.01.14 - 09:59pm
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/121207-plants-grow-space-station-science/ * +

alvar89 26.01.14 - 10:02pm
The plants didnt even have the sun as they didnt need it when God Himself was with them. You belive in a explosion coming out of nothing creating everything that must take alot of faith or just plain brainwash. * +

propidol 26.01.14 - 10:02pm
I'm not going on about one thing. This is just the very first simple starting point. Look up the answer and its very simple. I just looked at the guy you suggested and its just nonsense. * +

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