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New CHRISTIAN CHAT BOX - Page 483/490

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trunking 12.04.24 - 08:05pm
Why is God so distant? Why doesn't He intervene in Human affairs here on Earth? Why does He allow earthquakes to happen? Why does He allow suffering?
Why doesn't He intervene in Israel-Palestine conflict? Why is He so silent? Maybe He doesn't exist?? * +

trunking 12.04.24 - 08:09pm
I have come to that realisation as it's the only thing that makes sense. * +

trunking 12.04.24 - 08:16pm
There's plenty of archeological evidence so I dunno. They say that there's evidence for Noah's Ark up on Mount Ararat in Turkey. They even found evidence for chariots under the Red Sea proving Moses' parting of the Red Sea. Then there's Science. Science says we came from a genetic Adam and a Genetic Eve out of Africa. How did all the races come out of Noah's descendants from a short time frame of 6000 years?? How did the Aborigines reach Australia whilst being genetically distant? Was Noah and his family of African descent? Only thing that will make sense. What about the different Homo skulls found in Africa, Asia and Europe? Are they all forgeries? I used to think they were. But reading up I think we did evolve.

And what about the different animal species? How did they all fit on Noah's Ark and magically spread all over the world after resting on Mount Ararat when flood subsided? How did you get fresh water fish and salt water fish if there was a Great Flood? * +

trunking 12.04.24 - 08:28pm
Some Christian Scientists say that evidence for the Flood is up mountains that contain fossilised marine animals. But plate tectonics prove so. There was no Great Flood. There was a great flood when Mediterranean Sea was formed but that happened before humans existed. A Flood spanning the entire globe doesn't seem feasible. What about all the plant life? How did they survive the Flood?

Maybe just maybe we have all been duped and Science has the answer. * +

trunking 12.04.24 - 08:35pm
They say there's evidence for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah around the Dead Sea. So seems plausible. I looked at the evidence I think it actually happened.
Bible is just weird. There's plenty of evidence while at the same time lacking in evidence. I want to believe in it but I have to be practical. If it weren't for Science we'd be stuck in the stone age. If only God weren't so distant I wouldn't be this apathetic. * +

trunking 12.04.24 - 08:40pm
I don't think miaiad would be able to answer me. * +

crail 13.04.24 - 02:18am

@ trunking - 12.04.24 - 07:57pm
You can't deny that there is tons of historical evidence to prove that Jesus and His Resurrection actually happened. But what about Adam and Eve and Noah's ark? This is what's making me doubt the Bible's authenticity because I have been looking at Science as well. 6000 years of human history doesn't add up.

Either the Bible is telling the truth or Science is right. Who to believe??

Yeah, its 200,000 years of history, and that is a loooong time. Our ancestors were around for 6 million years. Evolution takes a very long time * +

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