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Chrislam. - Page 1/4

Subject: Chrislam.
Replies: 27 Views: 1422
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mohmed62 19.04.12 - 09:36pm
Google it. Is it permissible for a Christian to believe in Mohammed, Quran and Muslims? Does the prophet Jesus pbuh and Bible say this? * +

ladibud 19.04.12 - 09:40pm
Sounds like new age po*p. * +

urvoice1 19.04.12 - 09:41pm
pass the quorn popcorn * +

mohmed62 19.04.12 - 09:57pm
Is the Bible compatible with Islam? Should Christian churches be allowed to have Muslims and their Masses, like they are doing? Is this the New one world Religion the prophet Jesus warned Christians against with the Antichrists plans? * +

phallica 19.04.12 - 10:01pm
No, they can't be both. * +

3696 19.04.12 - 10:03pm
mohamad is a false prophet. Christians were warnd of mohamad by Jesus. * +

mohmed62 19.04.12 - 10:10pm
Muslims are Shaitans soldeirs? Mohammed spoke to Shaitan Angel of Light to take over Christians and make lies? * +

2lil2l8 19.04.12 - 10:15pm
u are sick,mohmed!Hush hush! * +

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