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just a thought - Page 1/6

Subject: just a thought
Replies: 40 Views: 3678
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ainglean 28.03.12 - 11:43am
to those who constantly bleat about invasions maybe should delve into history a bit more...just a thought meditate * +

iceylips 28.03.12 - 11:59am
So you're saying invading other countries is ok? We can learn from history but we cant live in the past. History can teach us many lessons. Every living human being has the right and responsibility to speak out against the immoral invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. * +

iceylips 28.03.12 - 12:01pm
Speaking out against it is better than staying quite about it, or brushing it under the carpet like many do or even worse supporting the crimes done by the aggressive forces. * +

iceylips 28.03.12 - 12:03pm
Anyways, this is about the only contribution i'm making towards this post today, I have a long day today! laters! * +

ainglean 28.03.12 - 12:05pm
only these countries?and why only these countries hmm * +

ainglean 28.03.12 - 12:12pm
when the troups pull out of these countries and it becomes part of history itself,will u stop bleating about it?hmm l think not * +

kekasih 28.03.12 - 12:31pm
maybe u should think it this way aing, what if Scotland got invaded n lets say, Afghanistan now is Scotland...just a thought. * +

ainglean 28.03.12 - 12:35pm
its not a correct comparisson.l dont see any iraqis or afghans posting in here..just a thought * +

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