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Islam-True Religion - Page 1/295

Subject: Islam-True Religion
Replies: 2064 Views: 53972
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truth_4u 21.08.10 - 10:17pm
In the name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful, The Sovereign, The Holy, The One free from all defects, The Giver of Security, The Protector, The All-Mighty, The Compeller, The Supreme, The Creator, The Inventor, The Fashioner, The Forgiver, The Irresistible, The Bestower, The All-Provider, * +

phallica 21.08.10 - 10:19pm
Subtle!? * +

urvoice 21.08.10 - 10:23pm
Only one islamic sect will reach paradise, are you in the right one ? * +

truth_4u 21.08.10 - 10:23pm
The Judge, The All-Knowing, The All-Hearer, The All-Seeing, The Most Subtle and Courteous, The All-Aware, The Forbearing, The Most Great, The All-Forgiving, The Appreciative, The Most Exalted, The Most High, The Guardian, The Maintainer, The All-Sufficient, The Most Generous, The All-Watcher, The All-Knowledge, The Responsive, The True King, The All-Wise, The Most Loving, The All-Glorious, The Witness, The Truth, The Most Trusted, The All-Strong, The Firm One, The Owner Of Power, * +

urvoice 21.08.10 - 10:26pm
And allah is god, one and the same, for those that believe. One and the same * +

truth_4u 21.08.10 - 10:29pm
The Praiseworthy, The Ever Living, The One Who Sustains, The Able, The First, The Last, The Pure One, The Absolute Ruler, The Victorious, The Greatest, The Maker of Order, The Shaper of Beauty, The Restorer, The Giver of Life, The Taker of Life, The One, The Delayer, The Owner of All, The Gatherer, The Patient One, The Light, The Enricher, The Righteous Teacher, The Inheritor of All. * +

fireyes 21.08.10 - 10:34pm
i didnt expect truth to be thay big. dang, when i go to drown you i will have to bring a club * +

truth_4u 21.08.10 - 10:34pm
Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad, the final Messenger of Allah. and peace be upon the Messengers and Prophets before him. Asalaamu Aliakum, now as you know this post is not new, the name on this post was a while back but no longer on here, anyway what we will do is start this topic on ramadan, before me or any muslims take your questions let me first start off what is ramadan and why do we muslims * +

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