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Muhammad pbuh-Bible - Page 1/162

Subject: Muhammad pbuh-Bible
Replies: 1130 Views: 27521
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missim 1.05.10 - 11:27am
This still bugs me.y do xtians stil refuse 2 acknowledge Muhammad pbuh when he is clearly prophesized in at least 2 places in the Bible? * +

bitedown 1.05.10 - 11:46am
Why does it bug u? Surely as long as u're happy with what u believe that that should be enough? * +

phallica 1.05.10 - 12:01pm
Which two places? * +

missim 1.05.10 - 02:34pm
That's enuf 4me yeah.but hw r billions of xtians dceivd in2 thnkn it means sumthn else?@bitedown * +

missim 1.05.10 - 02:38pm
O sory,there's 3places that i know of. @phallica, Deuteronomy 18:18. 'i will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, n i wil put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them all that i shall command him.' * +

zphaniah 1.05.10 - 02:40pm
n lil bits satan chips in ? * +

missim 1.05.10 - 02:41pm
Then isaiah 29:12. 'n the book is delivered 2him that is not learned, saying, 'read this,i pray thee,' and he says, i am not learned.' * +

missim 1.05.10 - 02:42pm
What do u mean? @zphaniah? * +

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