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Jesus Hadith - Page 1/6

Subject: Jesus Hadith
Replies: 42 Views: 5639
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afriend 3.04.10 - 10:20am
The Hadith are a source of knowledge about which students of Christianity have been kept in the dark * +

bitedown 3.04.10 - 10:22am
Oh thought u were talkin old worldly. * +

afriend 3.04.10 - 10:22am
The Hadith consists of records of eyewitness accounts of what the Messenger of Allah (saw), said and did in his life * +

phallica 3.04.10 - 10:25am
They will go to Jesus who will say, 'I am not fit for this undertaking, but you'd better go to Muhammad whose sins of the past and the future had been forgiven (by Allah).' * +

phallica 3.04.10 - 10:25am
Is that genuine text? * +

afriend 3.04.10 - 10:26am
Unlike the gospels, a hadith is not accepted unless the chain of transmission can be traced back through reliable men, to a man who was a Sahabi (companion of the Holy Prophet (saw), and who actually witnessed the event, or heard the words which the hadith relates * +

afriend 3.04.10 - 10:30am
there are many hadith which refer to Jesus, which give accounts of the sayings and deeds of Jesus. They were originally gathered together by the earlier followers of Jesus, especially those who spread to Arabia and North Africa * +

afriend 3.04.10 - 10:36am
When the Messenger of Allah (saw) came, many of these followers embraced Islam. They retained all the accounts they had about Jesus. These traditions were passed down from generation to generation by the Muslims, and many of them were finally gathered together in Thalabi's 'Stories of the Prophets' and in Al-Ghazzali's 'Revival of the Life-Transaction Sciences'. * +

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