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Megalophobia - Page 1/2

Subject: Megalophobia
Replies: 11 Views: 767
> »
f4bri0t 4.06.24 - 06:52pm
Fear of large things * +

ogdenz 4.06.24 - 07:05pm
That's not far away it's just very close! (Reverse Father Ted joke giff) * +

warded 4.06.24 - 09:12pm
Everything in Japan is small. They are jealous more than afraid. * +

shadow27 4.06.24 - 10:25pm
Fear of large foreheads? * +

ogdenz 4.06.24 - 10:40pm
It looks like it's holding a snooker ball! * +

faun 4.06.24 - 10:46pm
Putting a bauble on a Christmas tree * +

ogdenz 4.06.24 - 10:49pm
What's it's left hand doing? * +

crail 4.06.24 - 11:03pm
Could be an abscess on her right hand * +

> »

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