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Statue of Thatcher. - Page 38/48

Subject: Statue of Thatcher.
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shadow27 18.05.22 - 11:27pm

@ ogdenz - 18.05.22 - 11:23pm
He often resorts to homophobic insults. He's well known for it.

Oh please show me where. * +

ogdenz 18.05.22 - 11:28pm
Right I'm off for a beer and a movie pals. Sleep well,chat tomorrow..remember,don't go to bed angry! Mwah..over and out..tatty bye! * +

gt_tdi 18.05.22 - 11:28pm

@ ogdenz - 18.05.22 - 11:22pm
You are deluded man. Seriously. However,say sh*t about me and my Mrs and I will retaliate.. without anger might i add.

Gaslighting again...

You'll retaliate because it's too near the knuckle for you. You'll accuse a person of being a r*pist and child abuser because you feel threatened. Those two specific things that you know will be your best chance to provoke an outburst because of the abhorrence of the acts themselves. I even backed my words up several times with reasons I'd come to that opinion of you. When asked to do the same, you conveniently didn't respond because you have nothing other than your own need for revenge. * +

gt_tdi 18.05.22 - 11:29pm
At least we're all in agreement that ol' Doddy's a cunt... * +

alanball 18.05.22 - 11:32pm
lol * +

deusexmachina 19.05.22 - 12:00am
Who is Doddy? I only know Doddy Weir. * +

shadow27 19.05.22 - 12:50am

@ alanball - 18.05.22 - 11:32pm

A few of the forum regulars have noticed you in that rosemary pro.. how exactly did that conversation go?

Liam: ''I think it would be soooo funny if you pretended to be a girl and follow me around.''

Alan: '' Idk wouldn't that be weird?'' *nervous laugh*

Pmpl.gif * +

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