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Covid Vaccine... - Page 1/104

Subject: Covid Vaccine...
Replies: 723 Views: 29988
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ladibud 2.07.21 - 03:08pm
have many of you guys went for the jab? how's the infection rate and death tolls now compared to say, last wave there? * +

3mel 2.07.21 - 03:15pm
went for my first 2 weeks ago today, got my next in just under 6 weeks. last I heard infections are down and deaths are down except for delta variant cases, but I really don't keep up-to-date on this stuff.

also wave2.gif budladi * +

ladibud 2.07.21 - 03:32pm
hi Mel wave.gif doesn't the vaccine give some protection against the severity of the Delta strain?

what about ivermectin there? anyone using that? oh and what vaccine did you get? * +

3mel 2.07.21 - 03:39pm
not sure about if it helps with delta, solid useful info hasn't been broadcast that I've seen.
I had the Astra Zenica version and I don't know what Ivermectin is. * +

ladibud 2.07.21 - 03:41pm
ivermectin is basically something used for parasites in livestock and has seen some good results in treating Covid here.... I have heard the Astra Zeneca has a bad rep for blood clots. (Not that I believe all I read) here were have JnJ and Pfizer. * +

3mel 2.07.21 - 03:43pm
just read up a tiny bit, the FDA is saying Ivermectin should not be used, but if you've got a doctor prescribing it I guess that's better than stealing your horses tablets. * +

ladibud 2.07.21 - 03:51pm
survival of the fittest. like my horse (if I had one) wouldn't steal my apples. * +

ladibud 2.07.21 - 03:54pm
my sister, brother in law and cousin used / using it with their Covid, my uncle and brother also taking it now too (as a precaution) * +

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