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Music - Page 1/4

Subject: Music
Replies: 25 Views: 1006
> »
jabes 21.10.20 - 05:29pm
Really is the food of our souls * +

gt_tdi 21.10.20 - 05:33pm
Prove it. * +

warded 21.10.20 - 05:33pm
passenger - let her go * +

mok214 21.10.20 - 05:55pm
Ah, when mental illness tries to grab something good and ruins the experience for everyone else. * +

kipling 21.10.20 - 06:58pm
Music is good for the people struggling with mental strength * +

badapple 21.10.20 - 07:02pm
i dont believe i have a soul, im not religious and believe when your dead your dead dunno.gif The purpose of a soul is either go up to heaven or down to party central. It would suit no purpose for An aithiest to have a soul nono.gif Does that mean i cant listen to music anymore ? * +

crail 21.10.20 - 07:03pm

@ kipling - 21.10.20 - 06:58pm
Music is good for the people struggling with mental strength

How did you come to that conclusion? * +

kipling 21.10.20 - 07:04pm

@ crail - 21.10.20 - 07:03pm
How did you come to that conclusion?

I started my education at infant school * +

> »

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