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The religion of peace.... - Page 1/10

Subject: The religion of peace....
Replies: 64 Views: 3453
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9362 17.10.20 - 12:09am
Teacher beheaded in France because he showed a class of students caricatures of the prophet Mohammed. Maybe we should all start drawing and publishing pictures of him. If you want to live in a democracy you have to accept there will be things you don't like. We wouldn't not draw pictures of jesus even if Christians objected so why should Muslims be allowed to * +

9362 17.10.20 - 12:09am
Dictate to us? * +

ogdenz 17.10.20 - 12:13am
You are allowed to draw pics of Muhammad if you want to. Would you draw sone pics of him digits? RIP to the man who was murdered. * +

3mel 17.10.20 - 12:13am
they don't subscribe to remotely the same philosophies (those that are bothered in the extreme), there's no persuading that's going to be successful.
* +

obi_jon 17.10.20 - 06:16am
Apparently the attacker was a Chechen. * +

kimjongl 17.10.20 - 06:51am
Import muslims, get islamic outcomes. France has about a 9pc muslim population. Imagine what it will be like at 20 or 30pc. There will more likely be an implementation of blasphemy laws at that stage rather than a strengthening of freedom of speech laws. * +

tranie 17.10.20 - 07:36am
The Charlie hebdo trial is going on in France at the moment. The teacher was explaining how freedom of expression works. Yet another barbaric act, to add to the long list. Rip Monsieur ! * +

speedracer22 17.10.20 - 07:43am

@ kimjongl - 17.10.20 - 06:51am
Import muslims, get islamic outcomes. France has about a 9pc muslim population. Imagine what it will be like at 20 or 30pc. There will more likely be an implementation of blasphemy laws at that stage rather than a strengthening of freedom of speech laws.

Pretty much the truth. * +

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