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The lottery - Page 1/7

Subject: The lottery
Replies: 46 Views: 1221
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ufohunter 14.08.20 - 12:48pm
What would you do if you won the lottery?
What would you do with your new-found wealth? * +

ufohunter 14.08.20 - 12:51pm
What I'd do:
-Remain anonymous from the start.
-Tell no one, except closest family.
-Agree to the monthly installment option for a couple of years.
-Live a frugal lifestyle, almost equivalent to what is current.
-Invest the monthly installments each month.
-Blend in.
-Treat myself and family to a vacation together each year that is still economical.
-Live healthily. Cut out all the junk.
-Read books.
-Help the poor and needy by giving out food parcels. Donate to charity organisations (for tax deductions). * +

vampboy 14.08.20 - 12:56pm
chin.gif I'd invest it all.
* +

ufohunter 14.08.20 - 01:02pm
That's what many lottery winners neglect ever doing: investing it from day one.
They don't think of it as a means of investing into their futures and for those of their family members.
They take it automatically as a fix to all of their problems. Spending it on lavish lifestyles. Picking up luxury debt. Not knowing what harm it is actually doing to them in the long term.
..Then they hit rock bottom.
Living with their parents. Relying on the dole. Etc.

''A fool and his money are soon parted.'' - comes to mind. * +

xjennyxx 14.08.20 - 01:20pm
Spend it all * +

ufohunter 14.08.20 - 01:22pm
I'd lol.gif remain single
Women are bloody expensive
Never get married as then you have a legal obligation to split it and all that if divorced or 'murdered' by a hitman or something

Also, many people from your past will claim to be your best friend and all.. and as well as outsiders wanting to sponge off you.

Remain good.gif anonymous.
Live as frugally as possible.
Keep your head held up high!
Smile.gif * +

eikcim 14.08.20 - 01:23pm
Buy some hope that my dad finally comes back from nipping to the shop for some cigs * +

vampboy 14.08.20 - 01:28pm

@ eikcim - 14.08.20 - 01:23pm
Buy some hope that my dad finally comes back from nipping to the shop for some cigs

Son.... is that you? * +

> »

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