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Lake Bodom Murders - Page 1/2

Subject: Lake Bodom Murders
Replies: 9 Views: 1323
> »
warded 18.06.20 - 01:38pm
It is pretty obvious who did it, but Espoo's police was just plain poo at the time. No proper forensics, running after false leads, believing the story of the perp etc. They tried to put the perp on trial years later... The DA lost and the guy was acquitted AND got a bunch of dosh for it. * +

phallica 18.06.20 - 01:46pm
Hep. * +

warded 18.06.20 - 01:48pm
Hep did it? lol * +

phallica 18.06.20 - 01:50pm

This chap? * +

3mel 19.06.20 - 06:38pm
so... there are lots of children around this lake ? * +

vampboy 19.06.20 - 06:47pm
And do they follow the reaper? * +

warded 4.09.20 - 12:27pm
Yes, vampboy. They do. rocker lol * +

warded 19.07.22 - 02:12am
Nisse for president! declare * +

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