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Get yourself a free rolls royce - Page 1/5

Subject: Get yourself a free rolls royce
Replies: 30 Views: 1445
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9362 12.11.19 - 01:46pm
All you have to do is get married to the king of Swaziland. Small country, most of it's people in poverty. But the king who is also the ruler has bought a rolls Royce for each of his 15 wives. Also bought 120 BMW's for his family. And public sector workers ain't been paid for months * +

mikeymk 12.11.19 - 02:03pm
Lad good.gif * +

9362 12.11.19 - 02:05pm
Saw a great interview with the president of PUDEMA on sabc news. Lot of sense spoken by him * +

ogdenz 12.11.19 - 02:50pm
Get him a good plated guillotine! * +

ladibud 12.11.19 - 03:48pm
typical 3rd world African leader behaviour. * +

3mel 12.11.19 - 06:10pm
Rolls' are fugly cars, I won't be offering my hand in marriage * +

sisfreak2017 12.11.19 - 06:17pm
He's a di ck , he should have bought 1990 Ladas.
BTW Is this finally revealing, that c*nt that wants to forward his dead grannys fortune , marry lots of women, after they reveal bank details. * +

mikeymk 12.11.19 - 06:20pm
Yeah not giving my body out for a hideous Phantom, I'm more an Aston Martin Rapide kinda guy. Tbh the first person to give me a Caterham can do what they like.
Manicure.gif * +

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