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trump/usa.. - Page 338/351

Subject: trump/usa..
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kimjongl 22.11.19 - 07:11am
And look at his nearest rivals, a socialist who would almost be an octogenarian on inauguration day coming off a heart attack and the other pretending to be him while actually being Hillary 2.0. * +

phallica 22.11.19 - 07:38am
The only candidates I see that could give Trump any hassle and not get completely savaged is Gabbard and Bootygay. * +

kimjongl 22.11.19 - 07:49am
Buttboy has zero support with black voters, although he could make a viable VP candidate. Tulsi is probably the one who could take the most voters away from Trump but in a general her poor record on the 2A would be exposed in addition to being too far left on the economy. * +

kimjongl 22.11.19 - 08:14am

Progressive. * +

obi_jon 22.11.19 - 09:12am
Opening statement by Dr Fiona Hill, the British born NSC advisor makes interesting [link]reading:http://thehill.com/homenews/house/471448-read-fiona-hill-opening-statement[/link], or if you prefer,[link]watching/listening:http://youtu.be/L5gmpdtbWB0[/link].

Her testimony trended particularly heavily on social media yesterday, partly due to it's explosive nature blowing a gaping hole in President Trump's line of defence but also due to Americans posting clips saying how much they loved her north-east/county durham accent. It has been inaccurately described by some as 'geordie'. It's similar but not quite, sort of a 'geordie lite' really but the locals can get a bit offended if you call them that, like 'mackems'(Sunderland), 'smoggies'(Middlesbrough) and 'monkey hangers'(Hartlepool) do. I believe the local term for someone from that neck of the woods is a 'Yakker'. * +

bozzalad 22.11.19 - 11:34am

@ phallica - 22.11.19 - 07:38am
The only candidates I see that could give Trump any hassle and not get completely savaged is Gabbard and Bootygay.

tulsi is getting the russian smear tactics so, you must be right * +

bozzalad 22.11.19 - 11:43am

@ kimjongl - 22.11.19 - 08:14am


disgraceful and real misogyny

mens rights again being given preference to real womens rights

i wonder if they know or even care how badly this shyte is gonna affect the lgbtbtqunbriekcutb community * +

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