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Sri Lanka Bomb Attacks - Page 1/17

Subject: Sri Lanka Bomb Attacks
Replies: 114 Views: 2191
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sephiroth 21.04.19 - 10:13pm
Just got home from work and
Wtf.gif saw this on the news.
Why Sri Lanka?

So the question I'll ask is which group did this?

Tamil Tigers?
Buddhist Sinhalese?
Muslims (like, mostly always)? * +

lunaxxxx 21.04.19 - 10:25pm
Isis * +

sephiroth 21.04.19 - 10:26pm
Don't really see any news report on the culprits. * +

sephiroth 21.04.19 - 10:30pm
I'm not buying into Muslims as being culprits because they're a small minority there, though I might be wrong. * +

phallica 21.04.19 - 10:50pm
I'd go with Muslims, there was already intel of a radical Muslim group using suicide bombers in churches 10 days ago. Buddhist monks themselves are resorting to violence against the encroachment of Islam. * +

phallica 21.04.19 - 10:51pm
Monks! Lol. * +

3mel 21.04.19 - 10:51pm
if you can turn a whole country against a minority population you can maybe turn that population towards you. * +

sisfreak2017 21.04.19 - 10:54pm
Yes its allways them lot of bast*rds! * +

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