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Whats for dinner? - Page 2/389

Subject: Whats for dinner?
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zombiekiller 4.02.19 - 10:00pm
Nachos fiesta.gif * +

poppyt 4.02.19 - 10:50pm
We had cheese and crackers and cake for tea....
We had cake for breakfast too....
* +

mz.c 4.02.19 - 10:53pm

@ poppyt - 4.02.19 - 10:50pm
We had cheese and crackers and cake for tea....
We had cake for breakfast too....

Rebel! Grin.gif * +

crail 4.02.19 - 11:34pm

@ slwnoris - 4.02.19 - 10:43pm
One multi vitamin tablet and a cup of tea.

You need to eat that with food or it's pointless * +

daybyday 4.02.19 - 11:49pm

@ crail - 4.02.19 - 11:34pm
You need to eat that with food or it's pointless

Lol I imagine Noris setting the table, napkin on his knees and one tucked into his shirt. Knife and fork, knife to the right side of course with sharp side towards the plate, then cutting his pill into 4 and really deliberating and ruminating over it, enjoying every last bite. * +

crail 4.02.19 - 11:54pm
Lmao.gif * +

crail 4.02.19 - 11:55pm
Am I the only f*g that puts the fork on my right? I'm right handed too * +

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