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trump/politics - Page 392/530

Subject: trump/politics
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bozzalad 27.02.18 - 01:09pm

@ adelarge - 25.02.18 - 10:59pm
Liberals are people who trust people that steal from them while their sleeping and can't see it and blame everyone else. They act like do gooders and yet they vote for people who think it's alright to slaughter 9 month babies in wombs, turn mentally ill men into women and the rest of their warped agendas. I noticed their quite phobic towards Christians, yet they call others phobic or racist if they don't agree with them. In fact I find them very narcisstic, Very narcisstic indeed.

oh * +

john_163 27.02.18 - 01:13pm
[link]http://mobile.twitter.com/Prophecy_106/status/967776161731350529/video/1[/link] soo this kid gets verified by t**tter n liberals think he saved his frnds from school, looks like a small time wanabe artist cnn hierd him read.gif * +

john_163 27.02.18 - 01:14pm

@ obi_jon - 25.02.18 - 11:51pm
Niet!duh2.gif [link]http://www.reuters.com/article/us-russia-nemtsov/thousands-rally-in-moscow-to-commemorate-slain-opposition-leader-before-election-idUSKCN1G90UZ[/link]

read.gif liberal bot detected, neva stops moaning about russia * +

wakeup4 27.02.18 - 03:25pm
President trump is about to announce hes running in 2020 hurray.gif * +

wakeup4 27.02.18 - 06:44pm
* +

wakeup4 27.02.18 - 06:51pm
Mueller moves to dismiss charges against Rick Gates in Russia probe [link]http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/02/27/mueller-moves-to-dismiss-charges-against-rick-gates-in-russia-probe.html[/link] redalert.gif here comes the bullsh*t to save his own skin * +

obi_jon 28.02.18 - 12:48am

@ obi_jon - 14.02.18 - 07:13pm
More security clearance issues for the Trump administration. At the last count there were at least 38 Trump appointees/officials who have failed to gain full security clearance, Jared Kushner chief amongst them. Non of these people should be allowed access to classified materials, they are all national security risks.

[link]http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/375866-kushner-has-security-clearance-downgraded-report[/link]mock.gif * +

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