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are there any mediums here?? - Page 1/21

Subject: are there any mediums here??
Replies: 141 Views: 6001
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hotaru 6.08.15 - 11:56pm
What are your thoughts on mediums? and at what age did u realize you were? * +

peta 6.08.15 - 11:57pm
From about age 9 I was convinced. I was never born to be small and never born to be large. Good.gif * +

mz.c 6.08.15 - 11:58pm
no I'm a small what * +

mikeymk 6.08.15 - 11:59pm
Anything is true to those who really want to believe it.

Mediums are mediators in a profession of fantasy, for people living in a fantasy. * +

beery2 7.08.15 - 12:00am
as stephen fry says, another word for medium or psychic is fraud or liar... * +

3mel 7.08.15 - 12:03am
everything ive ever thought all confirmed... * +

trashy 7.08.15 - 12:13am

@ mz.c - 6.08.15 - 11:58pm
no I'm a small what

Swearing2.gif Reply stealer * +

pallas7 7.08.15 - 12:18am
Not exactly, a few encounters but I'm too busy for that anymore * +

> »

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