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Twi-Your conversations with twi - Page 1/22

Subject: Twi-Your conversations with twi
Replies: 152 Views: 7677
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rose01 26.07.13 - 06:41am
post them here twi * +

rose01 26.07.13 - 06:43am
twi:Sometimes I think love is just a biological urge. Other times it seems like a spiritual quality. Love, unlike energy or matter, seems limitless.You:Whats love? * +

rose01 26.07.13 - 06:45am
twi: I think you mean it's or it is not its. Do you like warm climates? You: Its so hot * +

rose01 26.07.13 - 06:47am
omg twi is actually star2020! * +

rose01 26.07.13 - 06:49am
twi: I take millinaps between clients.You:How do u sleep? * +

monyk2 26.07.13 - 06:52am
inlove twi is so sincere-)) lol * +

trollulz 26.07.13 - 06:54am
twi: A whole forest. You: How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could Chuck Norris * +

trollulz 26.07.13 - 06:55am
LMAO d*mn right Twi, d*mn right * +

> »

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