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Space Watch - Page 629/632

Subject: Space Watch
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trunking 16.01.19 - 02:25pm

@ sisfreak2017 - 16.01.19 - 02:22am
China becomes 1st nation to grow
biological life on the Moon
brainslug.gif thanks to lunar probe Change-4 , mission control in china says the cannabis should be ready for their next manned mission Bong2 smoke.gif

We're supposed to keep our contact with outside worlds as sterile as possible in order for us to study the surface and detect any possible microbial life. Now happenings like this is rather careless.

Or are we approaching a place of no return:
Either study the neighbouring worlds, or
Colonise them (places like Mars) before we screw up the Earth?

Decisions, decisions.. Chin.gif

Or wait..The Moon. There's no atmosphere so they're growing the cannabis shoots inside a pressurised enclosed space. So the Moon is okay, Mars not! * +

crail 16.01.19 - 04:57pm
These cotton shoots are brown bread now, after the lunar night * +

cleancut 16.01.19 - 05:58pm
There's a lunar eclipse on the the night of the 21st/22nd of January. * +

sisfreak2017 19.01.19 - 03:44am
Apophis asteroid could
strike Earth in 2068, warn
Russian scientists

The ominously-named Apophis
asteroid could have hundreds of
opportunities to hit the Earth over
the course of the next century,
Russian scientists have warned.

Named after the Ancient Egyptian
god of evil, darkness and
destruction, Apophis 99942 is
expected to come within 37,600km
(23,363 miles) of the Earth, just a
tenth of the distance between our planet and the moon, in 2029.

Researchers from the Department of
Celestial Mechanics at St. Petersburg
State University have warned that the 370-meter-wide near-Earth orbit
space rock could smash into the
planet at a speed of 7.43km per
second sometime in 2068. However,
to be on track for such a strike, it
would somehow have to thread the cosmic needle of passing through a
two-meter wide area of space during
its 2029 close-Earth flyby.

The [asteroid's] approach causes a
significant scattering of possible
trajectories, among them trajectories
indicating convergence in 2051, the
report says. Further orbital
resonance reentries contain a great number (about one hundred)
possible collisions between Apophis
and the Earth, the most dangerous
of them in 2068.
* +

sisfreak2017 19.01.19 - 03:45am
The asteroid will make several close
flybys, increasing the risk of cosmic
debris to orbiting satellites. The
huge space rock will reportedly come
within 16 million kilometers of our
planet in 2044, 760,000km in 2051, within five million kilometers in
2060, and just 100,000km in 2068.

If it does pass through the two-
meter wide keyhole during the
projected 2029 flyby, it would mean
an impact sometime in 2068 (though
the odds of this happening are
somewhere in the region of about one in 2.3 million).

The Russian teams findings will be
presented at the Korolev Readings on
Cosmonautics to be held in Moscow
later this month.

Contingency plans to destroy the
potential threat using nuclear
weapons have already been devised
by researchers from Tomsk State University in Siberia using a supercomputer. However, the latest
Russian research runs contrary to
multiple NASA calculations and
revisions from back in 2013.

The impact odds as they stand now
are less than one in a million, which
makes us comfortable saying we can
effectively rule out an Earth impact
in 2036. Our interest in asteroid
Apophis will essentially be for its scientific interest for the foreseeable
future,explained Don Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near-Earth
Object Program Office at JPL.


[LINK]http://www.rt.com/news/449146-apophis-asteroid-impact-risk-earth/[/LINK] * +

obi_jon 21.01.19 - 04:09am

@ cleancut - 16.01.19 - 05:58pm
There's a lunar eclipse on the the night of the 21st/22nd of January.

Lunar eclipse underwaynow.gif * +

crail 21.01.19 - 04:10am
Anyone got any photos of it? I can't get out and look * +

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