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south west UK? - Page 1/14

Subject: south west UK?
Replies: 96 Views: 13847
> »
miss..v 25.03.12 - 12:19am
Swindon here. Anyone in or around the area? * +

dutyfree 25.03.12 - 12:39am
belfast here boast * +

miss..v 25.03.12 - 12:46am
miles away * +

madmo0o 25.03.12 - 03:01am
Nope not me, im from up north yes but you're my bud already haha * +

txt4free 25.03.12 - 08:24am
Mars here but hoping to be in uranus soon. laugh * +

m0uthy1 25.03.12 - 08:34am
u r a pain in the ass! * +

miss..v 25.03.12 - 09:37am
txt your a jebend now shut up. * +

miss..v 25.03.12 - 09:38am
hey moo hello * +

> »

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