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screamo/emo - Page 1/52

Subject: screamo/emo
Replies: 360 Views: 22460
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bluxubux 1.04.08 - 09:44pm
who is ur favorite screamo and/or emo band * +

anduan 1.04.08 - 09:45pm
Deep Purple popcorn * +

bluxubux 1.04.08 - 09:50pm
really? * +

emosxe 1.04.08 - 10:02pm
Either silverstein, alesena, no hollywood ending, the beauty of the crying star or bless the fall. All of them are great * +

metalb0y 1.04.08 - 10:03pm
InherentSCARS * +

bluxubux 1.04.08 - 10:05pm
lol im silverstein, alesana, and blessthefall 2. 2 bad craig's gone tho * +

kykweer 1.04.08 - 10:06pm
So many!... Senses fail, escape the date, a thorn for every heart, eyes set to kill, silverstein, her name in neon and four letter lie... Etc * +

bluxubux 1.04.08 - 10:08pm
o and escape the fate. lol 2 many 2 remember * +

> »

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