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What is YOGA ? Defination? - Page 1/2

Subject: What is YOGA ? Defination?
Replies: 9 Views: 3949
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yogii 12.10.15 - 07:19am
hi guys , YOGA is famous in all over world , so do you know defination of yoga? if know thn post it in your words. . thanx * +

strawfox 13.10.15 - 08:35am
strawfox6 Yoga is an old discipline from India. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It claims to improve health and happiness.(br)Yoga is the Sanskrit word for union.(br)Patanjali was a pioneer of classical yoga. He defined yoga as the cessation of the modification of the mind. * +

yogii 14.10.15 - 04:43am
Awww a good defination bro @ foxi bro * +

tinoshi 15.10.15 - 09:55pm
yoga means union with God and all things involved are the process of achieving the yoga.bhakti yoga is the yoga for this age of Kali. unalloyed loving devotional service with no interaction is the yoga of this present age of Kali, no other way .om tat sat. * +

yogii 17.10.15 - 04:43am
yoga is harmony in between BODY ,MIND and Intellectual * +

yogii 14.04.19 - 11:17am

@ strawfox - 13.10.15 - 08:35am
strawfox6 Yoga is an old discipline from India. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It claims to improve health and happiness.(br)Yoga is the Sanskrit word for union.(br)Patanjali was a pioneer of classical yoga. He defined yoga as the cessation of the modification of the mind.

Thanks for reply:) * +

yogii 14.04.19 - 11:17am

@ tinoshi - 15.10.15 - 09:55pm
yoga means union with God and all things involved are the process of achieving the yoga.bhakti yoga is the yoga for this age of Kali. unalloyed loving devotional service with no interaction is the yoga of this present age of Kali, no other way .om tat sat.

Thanks * +

spritual 8.06.19 - 10:39am
Great * +

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