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broken sword - Page 1/3

Subject: broken sword
Replies: 19 Views: 2187
> »
ire.mark 24.05.11 - 03:32pm
got the trilogy for 7euro. Goodbye consoles and la noire for a few days. * +

dubman87 24.05.11 - 03:38pm
Broken swords games are brill * +

project8 24.05.11 - 03:45pm
Got 1 2 on the iPhone such awesome games! * +

project8 24.05.11 - 03:45pm
Meant to say and between the 1 and 2 * +

ire.mark 24.05.11 - 03:49pm
should be fun dont remember the games much. Havent played them in over 10 years id say. * +

warded 24.05.19 - 03:57pm
3 was cr*p. 4 was better, but 5 is a pretty cool throwback to the days of 1 and 2. cool * +

crail 24.05.19 - 11:19pm
They were all good * +

warded 29.05.19 - 02:28pm
Liked 5 quite a bit. I hope they are making 6. * +

> »

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