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The Oblivion Post... - Page 1/116

Subject: The Oblivion Post...
Replies: 806 Views: 99756
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feral78 15.01.07 - 04:31pm
Ok, don't know if this a repost or what, but there's been a coupla Oblivion posts lately and we may as well stick 'em under one post, right? So if you stuck on a quest, want the location of an item, got a disease you want rid of or whatever, post it here. I'm sure there's a player who can help you to save Tamriel... If you find summat cool let us know... * +

david4u 15.01.07 - 05:42pm
Dood theres a post thats over 100 posts long but nobody ever digs it up. * +

3draco21 15.01.07 - 05:45pm
Da water is very pretty nod * +

raziel21 15.01.07 - 07:06pm
anyone got any ideas on puttin luck up higher than one point each time ya lvl up? * +

feral78 15.01.07 - 07:40pm
How do you level up your luck? I'm like level 13 and my lucks at 50 still... * +

liqwid5n 15.01.07 - 08:24pm
i did a quest than i had to use a weird staff and it back fired on me without warning and now my luck is at 17!?! everything is so much harder to do now. how do i get it up without cheating * +

madgoth 16.01.07 - 01:38am
Pray at a chapel to cure what ails you. Fortify luck with enchanted items etc, but if it's not one of your selected stats in creation it'll be slower to level up. * +

blakino 16.01.07 - 03:19am
Yeah pray n heal! N eres a fact buy Knights of Nine cos it seems to make d game smooth! After installing most of d background glitches n slowdowns r banished * +

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