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Final Fantasy Forum - Page 4/135

Subject: Final Fantasy Forum
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dani87 1.12.04 - 09:45pm
Me too! :) my wap is cr*p now,so l'll go 2 bed.Peeps,keep this forum up and alive! This can b a great hang out-place 4 ff-fans,dont u agree? Yeah,post ur penance tactic if u want! Tifa is..Erm..Nice.;p l have a crush on rinoa and rikku though.Theyre feisty women! Lol. * +

dani87 1.12.04 - 09:48pm
Yeah,when aeris died l got totally bummed..Saad..And the music..Why??Why did u have to kill aeris??Hehe..Its the best way to play a ff game on,to try to be the character urself. * +

dani87 1.12.04 - 09:51pm
Please feel free to buddy me gamz,and other ff fans as well! :) * +

gamz 1.12.04 - 09:54pm
Okay then! I dont play in a long time so there may be some items names i wont rebember! First you need to complete da calm lands monster arena(get all monsters), because it will help you get max stats, then lets start with HP, to max up HP to 99999 you must fight iron clad, after you beat him he will give you a HP sphere. Now, fill up da empty spaces to get da HP to da max, you will need to hav... * +

leyenda 1.12.04 - 09:58pm
Know anything of ''Final Fantasy Before crisis? * +

gamz 1.12.04 - 10:01pm
...in your armour HP +30% and +30%. Other monsters in da arena will give you another spheres like defence sheres, magic defence spheres, strenght spheres, etc, you just hav to fill da empty spaces with that spheres, if you run out of spaces buy a clear sphere, then use da clear sphere on da HP +200 space and then put there da +300 HP sphere, this is just an example, you can do this with all da... * +

gamz 1.12.04 - 10:09pm
...other spheres! I got my caracters with full stats that way and got about 92000 of HP and i didnt clear all da +200 HP spaces to put there +300 HP! Like that you will be able to beat penance, and one more thing, DO NOT USE AEONS AT DA BEGINING OF DA FIGHT, use them late in da fight when your caracters start dying, dont forget da ribbon, hp break limit, damage break limit! Its very cool to hav... * +

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