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GTA VI TOPIC - Page 1/4

Replies: 23 Views: 1833
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nobyboy 5.12.23 - 06:46pm
Gta * +

warded 5.12.23 - 09:09pm
Waiting for number six eh ? * +

alvar89 6.12.23 - 06:17pm
Another rockstars masterpiece. * +

obi_jon 7.12.23 - 12:23pm
I must say it looks pretty good to me but I haven't really done much gaming since the last one came out, so i'm a litte bit behind the times with it all these days.

The trailer got over a 100million views in the first 24hrs, so I think folk might be quite excited for it. * +

alvar89 8.12.23 - 08:25pm
After seeing the attention to detail in red dead 2 this will be crazy. They are pushing this even further. Gta 5 cost 260million to make. Gta 6 is already 2billion in. * +

norega 12.12.23 - 09:18pm
Will run like absolute sh*te on ps5/series x, will be 30fps which is unacceptable * +

crail 13.12.23 - 04:00am

@ norega - 12.12.23 - 09:18pm
Will run like absolute sh*te on ps5/series x, will be 30fps which is unacceptable

How do you know? * +

alvar89 13.12.23 - 10:17am
They always run at 30fps on consoles first. The pro models and pc will up it. Im hoping for a lower res upscaled 60 option tho. 30fps is pain. been spoiled by 120fps on my tv lately so its even worse. * +

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