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Would you date - Page 6/13

Subject: Would you date
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mr....midge 2.06.21 - 06:30pm
proud they'll make a cracking couple * +

sundaykindagirl 2.06.21 - 06:32pm

@ mr....midge - 2.06.21 - 06:30pm
proud they'll make a cracking couple

I agree they will lol.gif * +

mr....midge 2.06.21 - 06:46pm
Lol that's them sorted..right lil pair of matchmakers aren't we? * +

sundaykindagirl 2.06.21 - 07:00pm

@ mr....midge - 2.06.21 - 06:46pm
Lol that's them sorted..right lil pair of matchmakers aren't we?

We are lol.gif * +

mikeymk 3.06.21 - 02:27am
Aww at you two together aww.gifhearts.gif * +

sundaykindagirl 3.06.21 - 09:35am
Lol your funny mikey * +

yoshen 9.08.21 - 09:45pm
Dated both. One 11 years younger than me and one 6 years older. I still dont know which was worse hitten.gif * +

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