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wap relationships - myth or reality? - Page 1/6

Subject: wap relationships - myth or reality?
Replies: 42 Views: 7637
> »
6x6x6 15.04.14 - 11:37pm
i mean relationships where you meet someone on wap and with time it becomes somthing real, example, in person! * +

sillyxx 16.04.14 - 12:44am
I started speaking to my mister on here in August last year .. Developed into more and met in October and still together love3.gif * +

xxlee 16.04.14 - 12:51am
Tea still together on wap? * +

sillyxx 16.04.14 - 12:52am
No we met in person I'm not that sad facepalm.gif * +

swestgrl 16.04.14 - 09:26am
me n z0i together 7 months living together for 3 months :) * +

tinkas741 16.04.14 - 11:20am
Hear loads of happy endings on here.. Of that's what your both looking for and the distance isn't to far or at least compromises can be made then i don't see why not. Dating sites work and there's not much diff i guess. Just alot of people use wap to hide things, exaggerate things ect but people do that face to face to.. Aah in waffling now. * +

swestgrl 16.04.14 - 11:32am
iagree.gif * +

kaveri93 16.04.14 - 11:51am
for girls no.... for boys yes
* +

> »

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