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singles in 30s - Page 1/2

Subject: singles in 30s
Replies: 14 Views: 4686
> »
jally2 12.01.12 - 08:37am
Do guys lov single ladiz in 30s? * +

mottuoot 12.01.12 - 08:58am
yes * +

1971efc 12.01.12 - 09:01am
And ones preferably who live locally so they dont have far to walk home in the mornings pmpl * +

charlib 12.01.12 - 09:30am
nod * +

trubleup 13.01.12 - 12:39am
nah * +

rah1 13.01.12 - 01:03am
only if they're fit * +

jonangel 13.01.12 - 02:11am
doesnt matter how old you are if The chemistry there thats all that matters * +

tasha28x 13.01.12 - 02:30am
sigh im almost 30 :( * +

> »

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