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Hmmm... - Page 1/13

Subject: Hmmm...
Replies: 88 Views: 10695
> »
tasha28x 2.08.11 - 12:27am
Woud you date a 23 year old guy if you was 28? I been asked on a date with a guy ive recently met, he's nice but his age is making me think!! * +

jonyjony 2.08.11 - 12:31am
duh * +

g0s1pg4l 2.08.11 - 12:34am
facepalm * +

tasha28x 2.08.11 - 12:35am
Oh ffs! I know its sad! Lol i was jsut wondering! Lol!! * +

midsdog 2.08.11 - 12:40am
just get enjoying urself girl. ya know one life and all that. * +

r_kyd 2.08.11 - 12:45am
for_sure all drama on here * +

moribund 2.08.11 - 03:12am
Yes. I'd date him even if he was 16. * +

kurt_x 2.08.11 - 04:19am
chini think its possible. * +

> »

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