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Subject: ads
Replies: 19 Views: 2072
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skat3rbooi 21.06.16 - 03:39pm
how do you deal with ads popping out on apps if you not root. will a firewall help * +

3mel 21.06.16 - 04:15pm
yes a firewall will help but you need root on most decent ones. opera max can deny apps internet access (I think). * +

garion 21.06.16 - 06:27pm
If your Internet access is disabled you don't get the ads, and there are some ad blockers available from the PlayStore which simply turn your data off when you open a listed app, and rooting is not required for this. You can, of course, disable your data connection manually if desired before using say a game that has intrusive ads, providing the game itself doesn't require Internet access to be played. * +

john_163 21.06.16 - 09:40pm
or use adblocker apk from thier site...it block all ads on app ,browser etc * +

crail 21.06.16 - 11:31pm
I found adbockplus messes with a few things, like the play store. Better off using a browser that blocks ads, and for games just turn your data off, like garion said * +

3mel 22.06.16 - 12:06am
I use adaway (root) but even before that flashing MoaAB (mother of all ad blockers) I've never had a playstore problem. I wouldn't be without AFWall+ on my phone... * +

dorian2k 22.06.16 - 04:48am
adaway does it for me as well * +

crail 22.06.16 - 10:06am
I use dolphin to block ads. Works fine * +

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