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Mixup v 4.5 - Page 1/76

Subject: Mixup v 4.5
Replies: 530 Views: 20633
> »
shadow27 30.11.18 - 01:51pm
Labour MP announces all pregnant women will be jailed for Christmas repost.gif * +

shadow27 30.11.18 - 01:53pm
Sounds almost biblical, or like something from the Omen movies.. You know, the last one where he grew up to be a politician. * +

crail 30.11.18 - 01:54pm
All women are associated with hiv * +

sourface 30.11.18 - 01:57pm
Clapping.gif About time! * +

ogdenz 30.11.18 - 02:14pm
Pringles to be given away free after Brexit. * +

shadow27 30.11.18 - 02:52pm
That's all that is gonna be left post-Brexit... Everyone fighting over one tube of pringles. * +

shadow27 30.11.18 - 02:58pm
Diane Abbott announces she is a gender fluid pringle.

Alright, I'm done now. * +

crail 30.11.18 - 03:06pm
EFF get hiv for Christmas * +

> »

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